Monday, November 26, 2012

BJD Coloring Books

Woohoo! So I had this idea to make some coloring books for my girls, so today I got started on patterns and figuring out sizes. The end result, two different sized coloring books, (one for tinies and one for YoSD- as they are the only two sizes I myself own xD) 

I WILL be selling these on etsy as soon as I iron out all the kinks! 

As of right now I have coloring books for Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa and just a general winter themed book! 
I am also planning on making: My Little Pony, Valentines Day, Birthday books, Seasons (i.e. Spring, Summer and Fall to go along with the Winter one I made now) a Military book (some of the proceeds of these sales will go to Wounded Warrior Project), Pets/animals (maybe things like "zoo animals" "horses" "birds" etc), maybe a few 'movie books' (ie Brave, Toy Story),  etc etc. 

I would LOVE to know what sort of coloring books you guys would like most! And if you would also want the colored pencils I made with the books, or as a separate order (I know some people already have art supplies for their dolls). 

These are full coloring books, they have a cover and back and contain anywhere from 10-12 small pictures and puzzles (any additional pages and the book starts looking bulgy) All the pictures are different and each book has wide variety of styles and activities that are unique to the book. I designed and put these together myself :)

Anyway I hope you guys enjoy this as much as I do x) 

My dolls modeling these fabulous coloring books today are my Soom Beyla Calypso and my Obitsu tiny Rhea :) (Lucy refused to cooperate with me... so she will be in other pictures ;P)

"Whatcha making Calypso?"
"Coloring in this picture of an angel... look at her pretty hair... Gosh I wish I had hair"
"Mommy said she ordered you some last night!! It'll be a little while before it gets here, but at least it's on it's way! I'm coloring a little girl playing with some animals! See?"

"I guess I'll color this Christmas tree in then, I want the angels hair to match mine!" 
Rhea: *scribbles* "hehehe"

"What's so funny Rhea?"
"I'm coloring my penguin in red, hehehe"

*hums* oh coloring, I like coloring, gonna make some pictures to give to Lucy, coloring *hums*

*I'm bored with this page... what else is there?*

*this is more like it!! Charlie Brown and Snoopy!*

*hums* colorrrrrinnnngg yeah!!

Thanks for checking out our new coloring books!! Mom is gonna upload some of our art in another post :D


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Judy :D that means a lot to me!! Can't wait to finish working out the troubled spots and getting them up on etsy!!
